Comparison to alternatives

Compare Usetiful
to other digital
adoption platforms

There are many available digital adoption platforms on the market. See how does Usetiful stack up against alternatives.

Usetiful - Comparison to alternatives
Free walkthrough software - Provide easily contextual guidance

About digital adoption platforms

Digital doption platforms have never been more critical for businesses and publishers.

On the publisher side, customer acquisition costs are sky-high, and the market is fiercely competitive. You can't afford to lose revenue and users because people can't figure out how to get value from your app.

From a business perspective, digital adoption has made the landscape more competitive. Software investments and new hires need to produce value as quickly as possible.

Benefits of digital adoption platforms for publishers

Digital adoption tools like Usetiful are essential for app and software publishers.

Help users reach their AHA moment

Help users reach their AHA moment

It's competitive out there, so if you want users to adopt your product, they need to realize precisely why they need it in their lives. Product tours, walkthroughs, and tooltips help guide your users toward getting value from your solution as quickly as possible.

Reduce user churn

Reduce user churn

User retention is a huge focus for developers, and rightly so. If you want to grow and scale your business, that starts with taking care of your customers. When users know how to extract full value from a product and all its features, they're more likely to stick around and become loyal customers.

Style and customize tours

Justify customer acquisition cost spending

Customer acquisition costs (CAC) are constantly growing. As the use of third-party cookies declines, audience targeting has become less precise. Competing for keywords costs money, but if you're paying for traffic or downloads, but no one knows how to get value from your product, it's money down the drain.

Convert more trials

Convert more trials

Trials are an excellent way to drive traffic and users. Product-led growth is a viable business model for products with the quality to stand on their own without excessive marketing. However, this go-to-market approach hinges on users getting instant value from your product.

Boost in-app spending

Boost in-app spending

One upside from holding onto users and driving adoption is that it can help you create new revenue streams. It's cheaper and easier to upsell and cross-sell to existing customers than convert new prospects.

Faster development

Faster development

Digital adoption platforms help lighten the development load by saving you time building user guides for your product.

Works in any app

Better feedback for developers

Creating the perfect product is a continuous process. Digital adoption tools like Usetiful can show you where your users are getting lost, what features they don't use, or why they aren't connecting with your solution. It's all valuable feedback to help you improve your product.



Greater personalization helps you appeal to a wider audience base. By segmenting your audience into experience level or the different ways they engage with an app, you can deliver dynamic onboarding that is as simple or complex as it needs to be.

Benefits of digital adoption platforms for businesses

It's not just publishers that need the help of digital adoption platforms like Usetiful.

Ensure software ROI

Ensure software ROI

Buying and implementing new software is a significant investment. While manuals or scheduled training days were standard practices in the past, they misunderstand how modern employees learn and engage with new tools. Learning by doing is what works for most people.

Increased productivity

Increased productivity

You've installed or upgraded your work tools for a reason: to make your team more efficient or productive. Digital adoption tools help users understand and adopt software more quickly, meaning increased time to value and more productivity.

Boost employee satisfaction

Boost employee satisfaction

If your employees feel they don't have the support to do their jobs to their full capability, it's a recipe for disaster. Give them skills, and you'll increase their satisfaction.

Better user onboarding

Better user onboarding

Good user onboarding influences many different things, such as employee retention and happiness and how quickly each new hire can make an impact. You can't ignore its importance.

Ramp up your competitiveness

Ramp up your competitiveness

If adopting new tools helps you stay competitive, effectively adopting these same tools will mean you're super competitive.

Reduce IT and support costs

Reduce IT and support costs

Digital adoption platforms help teach your employees how to use tools and provides help when it’s needed, reducing IT support tickets.

How does Usetiful stack up against alternatives?

Why Usetiful is the #1 alternative?

Usetiful is an excellent alternative to any digital adoption platforms for several reasons:

Are you ready to find out why Usetiful is better?

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